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I offer a variety of career coaching, and counselling services designed to help you overcome personal challenges, and allow you to achieve your individual life goals. I cater to each of my client’s personal needs in order to unlock their full potential. Contact me to start your journey.


Counselling is a type of therapy.  It allows you to talk about your life, including any problems or issues.  A counsellor is trained in listening, and helping you explore your feelings, thoughts, and even your behaviour.

Talking to someone you do not know most people find beneficial.  It can help you feel more open, and able to express yourself freely.  It can also help you understand relationships with friends and family, in a safe space.

Support from friends and family is really important, but sometimes talking to a trained stranger can provide a new outlet to help deal with your emotions or problems.

 Coaching Session

A coaching session is designed to help you explore your career so far, skills, experience, and future career goals.

Sessions are built depending on your needs, and can help with increasing confidence, changing career, identifying key skills, searching for your next role, or finding ways to be more effective in your current role.

I am not a specific industry expert, but instead offer you the space to talk through your thoughts, options, and help define practical steps you can take to achieve your career goals in whatever arena you work.

Coaching is appropriate whatever your role, and at any time in your career.  Ashbury Coaching & Counselling has purposely tried to make coaching affordable and accessible to all.  Whilst it may be perceived as such, career coaching is not just for senior executives, or those who want to be senior executives.  It can help those at all levels achieve success, and contentment within their chosen field.

Interview Practice

This session will give you tips and practice for interviews.  Real world questions will be presented, and we will then talk through potential answers.  The aim is to highlight where you are answering well, develop answers that may be weaker, and crucially help you feel more confident explaining your skills an experience.

Interview practice can be for a generic job, or for a specific role.  If you have a specific role, send the Job or Role Description 48 hours before the session, and we can focus directly on likely ‘real world’ questions.

Sessions can increase confidence, as well as prepare you for a specific interview.  This session is therefore useful to consider whatever stage you are in your current career.

CV/Resume Review

A CV review provides guidance on what should be included in a CV.  This includes offering written templates, as well as reviewing and commenting on your CV. 

The review can be done as a general review, for a particular sector, or for a particular role.   

By reviewing you are given the skills to adapt your CV for each role you apply for.  It can also help you start developing interview answers, and really understand what companies are looking for in the recruitment process.

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